Feb 17, 2010

YetiContest: The British Are Coming

Based on Maurice Broaddus's response to my post about Indy, I'm excited to announce a little good spirited contest. The rules are simple: The first person (other than Maurice himself) who takes a picture holding a copy of King Maker and a non-US flag in front of a Indianapolis landmark gets a free book or two.

The prize is fairly boring. I've recieved a couple of review copies of books recently that I've also purchased so I will let you pick your choice of books. I typically don't do contests as I think they are a little content-light but I've got extra books and I'll be interested to see if anyone gets it done without photoshop. And if Indianapolis landmarks exist.

King Maker comes out March 4th but only in the UK. I'll keep the contest open until May 31st or until I get a winning submission.

You can submit any entries to YetiContest[at]gmail[dot]com and be sure to include your name, mailing address, and what you consider an Indianapolis landmark.

Best of luck!

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